Reporting Units
A consistent unit of measure across all functions and services provides a holistic understanding of ecosystem health.
Example: Infiltration on a Hypothetical 10-Acre Site
Percent Performance Percent of maximum potential performance a function or service achieves.
Functional/Service Acre Percent performance, weighted by the area in which it is being performed.
A measure of QUALITY and QUANTITY.
Function/Service Acres
Percent Performance
Function/Service Acres
Percent Performance
Percent Performance
Percent of maximum potential performance a given function/service achieves – in a given location or cumulatively – on the site.
A consistent unit of measure across media. Scores generally reflect the push-pull found in natural systems.
Scores nearing 100% are often the result of engineered solutions intended to optimize performance for a certain purpose (e.g., pavement achieves a 100% score for interception).
Typical Use
Understanding performance at a site level
Optimizing site design – impact minimization and benefit optimization
Informing siting decisions
Convenient for understanding tradeoffs and for supporting stakeholder outreach efforts
Function/Service Acres
Percent of maximum potential performance a given function or service achieves, weighted by the area in which it is being performed.
A measure of quality and quantity – the total amount of benefit provided to society.
Total function/service acres can exceed the actual acreage of the site and these benefits can be stacked, recognizing that the land performs more than one function at a time.
Typical Use
Site selection; understanding how one site compares to another in terms of potential impact and community benefit
Mitigating or offsetting impacts on- or off-site; provides a unit of measure that can be used as a "debit” or a "credit”
Helps project planners understand that not all acres are created equal; enables rational conversations and negotiations about what it takes to minimize, offset, mitigate, and achieve positive performance outcomes